

Welcome to a new year of the Guatemala Field Station blog. The majority of us will be arriving tomorrow for the second annual trip to the University of Maryland's Language Science Center Guatemala Field Station, held this year in Patzún, Guatemala. This is a joint effort between the Language Science Center (LSC) and Wuqu' Kawoq, a local NGO in the Guatemala highlands that concentrates on bringing health services to rural communities. Our team is led by Dr. Maria Polinsky, Dr. Omer Preminger, and Dr. Pedro Mateo Pedro, experts in fieldwork and Mayan linguistics. The Field Station offers researchers unique opportunities in on-site research, training, and collaboration with local students and scholars.

Our main goals are (i) to do linguistic field work with Kaqchikel, an understudied Mayan language spoken by about half a million people in the highlands of Guatemala and (ii) to continue this collaborative effort started last year. This year we have linguists from all different backgrounds who are coming together to participate in the field station from many countries (including the U.S., Canada, Russia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, and, of course, Guatemala!) and with many different research interests.

This year the trip will run from May 27 to June 25, 2017. We will be updating the blog as much as possible during this time, so please stick with us for updates!